英语读书报告格式范文模板(Reading Report The Art of Reading)

Reading Report: The Art of Reading


Reading books is an important habit that helps individuals to develop their brains and expand their knowledge. This report provides a critical analysis of the book, The Art of Reading, written by philosopher and author, Mortimer Adler. The report evaluates Adler’s ideas on reading, his approach to reading and the effectiveness of his methods for enhancing readers’ comprehension.

Adler’s Approach to Reading

Adler argues that to become a proficient reader, one must learn to become an active reader rather than a passive one. He suggests that readers should approach texts with curiosity and a willingness to learn. Adler also suggests that there are four levels of reading that an individual can attain; these include elementary, inspectional, analytical, and synoptic. Each level requires a particular approach and mindset. Moreover, Adler emphasises the importance of reading for knowledge, not just for pleasure. He believes that by reading for knowledge, readers can expand their understanding of the world and develop their intellectual capabilities.

Effectiveness of Adler’s Method

Adler’s approach to reading is insightful and thought-provoking. His ideas challenge readers to think critically about their reading habits and to become more conscious of how they approach texts. Adler’s approach to reading is especially effective for individuals who are looking to improve their comprehension and analytical skills. However, Adler’s approach to reading may not be suitable for everyone. His focus on reading for knowledge may detract from the pleasure that some readers derive from reading. Additionally, his four levels of reading may be too rigid and difficult to apply in practice.


Overall, Adler’s book, The Art of Reading, presents a compelling argument for the importance of developing active reading habits. His ideas provide readers with valuable insights into how to approach texts and develop critical thinking skills. While his approach may not be suitable for all readers, it is certainly a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their comprehension and analytical abilities.


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